Sunday, January 29, 2012

Trip to Barnes and Noble

Addy's favorite part...the escalator.

Meeting friends before story time.

Choo choo!

Before the story began the kids got lemonade and cookies.

The story was called "Chrysanthemum" and it was about a little mouse.

After the story, the kids got to make their very own mouse.

Putting on the ears, eyes, and nose.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Love Bug!

Addy is pretty excited about Valentine's Day this year. She has a whole list of people she wants to make "Love Day" cards for!

Addy's Love Bug

Monday, January 16, 2012

PaPa's Birthday

Preparing the pork chops

Addy adding her "secret ingredient"

Addy, Papa, Amiyah, and Nana

yumm pork chops!

Happy Birthday!

Addy helping Papa to blow out the candles.

Nana and Amiyah

Time for cake...and lots of icing!

Aunty Gabby and Amiyah

Addy playing Wii bowling with Daddy...and yes she got a Turkey! 

Papa reading Addy a good night story. We had a great time!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fun in the Snow

Addy and Daddy's snow ball fight.

Addy the Snow-girl

Today when Addy came home from school she asked me if we could make something together.

So we found an old picture...some construction paper...cotton balls...and some rocks.

Put them all together...

And made an Addy snow-girl!

Miss Kitty and Addy